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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare.

This is some text inside of a div block.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare.

This is some text inside of a div block.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare.

Featured Work

Our bespoke AI solutions are little on hassle, big on impact

Want to see us in action? Browse our recent projects and discover more about the transformative power of AI.

A person sat typing on their laptop.

Customer Documentation & Chat Bot

A person stood in a studio control room, looking at screens.

Recommendation System

A car being assembled by robotic arms in a factory.

CRM + Reporting System

Designing and hosting a data warehouse

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Id arcu diam sit volutpat magna adipiscing sed.”

Atticus Finch
CEO, Mockingbird Finance
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Raiven SaaS

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Read Time
A portrait of Ada Lovelace

Celebrating Ada Lovelace: A Computing Pioneer

As today is International Women’s Day, we thought we’d give a shout out to the absolute pioneer in mathematics Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, better known by the name Ada Lovelace.

Born in 1815 to the iconic rake of Regency London - Lord Byron and reformer Anne Milbanke, Ada showed a keen in interest in logic and maths from a young age. Her mother was supportive of these passions and urged her to explore them, mainly due to a concern that she would end up ‘insane’ like her estranged Father who had left them behind when she was only a month old.

The Enchantress of Numbers

At the age of eighteen, thanks to her obvious talents and interests, Ada was brought into contact with Charles Babbage (also known as the Father of Computing). This meeting happened at one of his Saturday Night Soirees and would possibly have never occurred if not for Ada’s private tutor - scientist, polymath and writer Mary Somerville. A peculiar character herself, Ada felt that she needed someone equally as open-minded to teach her successfully and their working-relationship and friendship blossomed quickly. Later that month Babbage invited her to see the prototype for his difference engine (a mechanical computer), which she immediately became fascinated with. Inspired by her new teacher, Ada used her relationship with Somerville to her advantage and visited Babbage as often as she could. Incredibly impressed by her analytic skills and intellectual ability, he christened her ‘The Enchantress of Numbers,’ a nickname which has stood the test of time.

The First Computer Program

Lovelace would go on to document Babbage's difference engine, as well as envisioning how it may be used by writing algorithms in her notes. She is widely credited as having written the first published computer program, when her algorithm to calculate the Bernoulli numbers was printed in a scientific journal in 1843.

Ada’s exploits also helped her create relationships with scientists such as Andrew Crosse, Sir David Brewster, Charles Wheatstone, and the author Charles Dickens, contacts which she used to further her knowledge and gain more insight into her passions. Ada described her approach as ‘poetical science’ and was a self-described Analyst & Metaphysician.

More than a century after her death, her notes on Babbage's Analytical Engine were republished and the Engine itself has now been recognised as an early model for the computer. Her notes describing this and the software show us just how advanced Charles and Ada both were in their thinking. Ada had many ideas about the potential of these machines and anticipated modern computing one hundred years early... Now that’s impressive!!

Read Time
A photographer takes images of the team sat at desks in an office.

The time is now: Why we're refreshing our brand and website

It’s been just under a year since we launched Raiven, but we’ve taken the brave decision to refresh our brand and launch a shiny new website. Why? That’s what I’m here to tell you.

2023 was a year full of surprises and new opportunities that we couldn’t have predicted, and ultimately as much as we love our little node raven, it wasn’t ready to grow with our ambitions. We took the opportunity of a new year to address this, working with a team of brand experts to help us build a sleek, cool, and scalable new Raiven that we’re excited to share with you. But what are these surprises and opportunities I alluded to? Well, I’ll dig into those below.

Team Growth
2024 also brings 2 new team members to the Raiven flock. We welcomed experienced Data Scientists, Adam Miller and Jack Healings, to the company at the start of February; to develop our offers in Edge AI and Natural Language Processing. They add to our existing team knowledge and are keen to progress our goal of making Responsible AI accessible and valuable to businesses.

Accelerating into Deep Tech
With a new year comes a new home, and we’ve had the exciting opportunity to join the Ignite Deep Tech incubator. The scheme is part of the University of Warwick Science Park, and has allowed us to set up nest in Warwick Innovation Centre. We’re delighted to get on board with a scheme that matches our ambitions to make innovation understandable and achievable for industry; and puts the power of years of experience in Deep Tech growth at our fingertips. We’ve already met with several pioneering alumni, as well as other members of the current cohort, and are keen to dig deeper in the coming months.

Structured Services for Aspirational Businesses
With our new home, new year, new faces, and new image comes a new way of structuring our offers. We’ve been really humbled by the passion we’ve seen in organisations seeking to make meaningful change, particularly with using their data better and building AI infrastructure within their businesses. We’ve reshaped our offers to make this more accessible and structured, outlining clear steps they can take to achieve their big dreams one manageable step at a time. If you want to hear more, book in a free consultation call and we’ll be delighted to give you the run down, whilst getting to know you better.

Cutting-Edge Innovation at Scale
Perhaps the biggest thing to announce is one that deserves a post of its own. We’ve begun work on a project that brings together our vision for innovation that is responsible, human-empowering, and can deliver real transformative change. It’s a real doozy, but you’ll have to make do with a teaser for now. As we draw closer to our 1st birthday, we’re reflecting on the year gone by and the year to come. We’re proud of all we’ve achieved, thankful to all those who’ve helped us along the way, and excited for the journey ahead. If you want to join us on our journey, then don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Your future awaits

Ready to start your AI journey?

No matter your technological know-how, we’re here to help. Send us a message or book a free consultation call today.